Run by |
The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the
environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses
ABN 25 819 463 114
Take action
today. Is lead harming |
& your kids?
Buy low
cost, NATA accredited |
laboratory lead test kits
Sample your dust, |
water, paint, toys,
jewellery, ceramics
Water Lead test Kits
from our DIY Home Lead Assessment kit sales go towards the
Keeping Australian Lead Out of Leaded Petrol Initiative. |
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Media Releases
2024 Grandma Lead's Advice on Donald Trump's Would-be Assassin's Lead Testing Follow-up
2024 Grandma Lead Calls for Lead Testing of Donald Trump's Would-be Assassin
2020 MedRel October Blitz to Locate People Lead Poisoned by Ayurvedic Medicines or Reuse Painted Timber
2017 Lead poisoning is the top risk factor for pre-eclampsia, says Griffith study
2017 Alliance calls to eliminate lead poisoning in children by 2021
2014 WHO Lead Poisoning Week
of Action in Australia
July 2014 Australians
need to tell the NHMRC about lead
June 2014 Opportunity
to Make Australia Lead-Safe
November 2013 Are We Living In a Lead Safe
October 2013
Who�s contributing to a Lead Safe World?
June 2013
Call for ministers� plans for the Inaugural WHO International Lead Poisoning
Prevention Week of Action - 20-26 October 2013
1st May 2013
petrol, lead poisoning and violent crime
March 2013 Poison tank water warning � that�s no way to achieve
lead-free drinking water
October 2012 Launch
of art prize to celebrate 15th anniversary of Lead Poisoning
Awareness Week
30th June 2012 Asbestos
and lead policy synergies will save lives
June 2012 Call
for Australian lead mining companies to fund research, and for a more stringent
National approach to lead poisoning
February 2012 Child
Care Centre too close to Rosebery mine
November 2011 Brief history of the leaded petrol death trade
October 2011 Ending the leaded petrol
era by the end of 2011 - Young Australian puts the
case to Nairobi UN meeting
October 2011 International
Lead Poisoning Awareness Day
June 2011 Who
will end the leaded petrol death trade? Toxic Leaded
Petrol Still in Use in Six Countries
June 2011 Spotlight on High Cases of Lead Poisoning in China
March 2011 Scuttling
ex-warship off Avoca Beach makes no sense and may not be legal
December 2010 Tasmanian
lead mining town � response to claims of heavy metal poisoning
December 2010 Current
�acceptable� blood lead levels too high,
Overwhelming body of research supports The LEAD Group�s call for a change in
national policy
3rd December 2010
Radical new policy on
prevention of lead poisoning
October 2010 International Lead Poisoning Awareness Day 2010
September 2010 Twenty Years of LEAD Campaigning - The
LEAD Group 20 years on
September 2010 Swag of LEAD Action News, Fact Sheets and Reports
September 2010 Kumpulan
Berita-Berita Tentang Timbal, Lembar Fakta, Dan Laporan�Laporan
September 2010 Arsenic and Lead in drinking water � flawed advice on testing
July 2010 Toxics Groups Reject Mine / DHHS Findings 8th
July 2010 International
Spotlight On Arsenic And Lead Poisoning In Australian Lead Mining Town
10th June 2010
Mayor Darryl Gerrity A Disgrace To The West Coast
24th May
2010 Toxic mining exports need Oz mining tax income
to be managed safely always
20th May
2010 Taskforce Condemns Secrecy on Rosebery Meeting
12th May
2010 Campaigners in over 100 countries call for a
�Bullet-Proof� Arms Trade Treaty
April 2010 Toxics
Group Rejects Toxicology Reports on Poisoned Rosebery Residents
17 March 2010 Toxics Group calls for sacking of Director of Health -
Poisons Investigation Flawed Again
February 2010 Group Proposes Terms of
Reference for the 'First' Tasmanian Integrity Commission Inquiry into the
Health Department and EPA Investigations in Rosebery
February 2010 MMG and GHD Must Release
Results from 2007/2008 Investigations Into Health Risks Of Lead In Rosebery and
Use Correct Dust Sampling Methods
16 February 2010 Group Calls For Minister Giddings To Stand Down Dr Roscoe Taylor And Dr Chrissie Pickin
10 February 2010
Taskforce Calls On Mine Manager To Release 'Scope' Of New
5 February 2010
Mayor Gerrity Slammed By Toxics Group
19 January 2010 Health and Environmental Investigations into Toxic Heavy Metals in
15 January 2010 West Coast Council Condemned By Toxics Group - Rosebery
Home Buyers Kept In The Dark Over Poisons
13th January 2010
Group Releases Test Results On Poisoned Pets
8 January 2010Call For Independent Medical Specialists To Head Up The New Rosebery Health Investigation
23 December 2009 Pergantian Cuaca dan Keracunan dari Timah
Hitam/Timbal Apa yang pemerintahan seharusnya melakukan
23 December 2009 各國政府需要做什麽对於氣候變化和铅中毒?
21 December 2009 Climate Change AND Lead Poisoning: what governments
should be doing
24 November 2009 Hilltop Locals Beat 3A - NSW Land And Environment Court Halts Work On Controversial Southern Highlands Shooting Complex
23 November 2009 Dr Roscoe Taylor has no Evidence
18 November 2009 EPA Notice to Rosebery Mine: the toxic heavy metals that dare not be monitored!
Rosebery Residents
国际铅中毒觉晓日 是时候来帮助中国预防铅中毒了
20th October 2009
International Lead Poisoning Awareness Day
August 2009 NHMRC going nowhere on Australian blood lead
6 July 2009
Poisoned Rosebery residents group - Protesters call for Dr Roscoe Taylor to withdraw report
5 July 2009 Poisoned Rosebery residents group Toxic Rally Poster
2 July 2009 Poisoned Rosebery residents group - Toxics Rally - Relocate Poisoned Rosebery Residents
22 April 2009
Contaminaci�n de La Oroya � Per�
22 April 2009
Contamination of La Oroya � Peru
1 August 2008
Republication of LEAD Action News
16 May 2008 �Go tell it on the mountain� � Australian NGO launches
policy for lead poisoning prevention
06 April 2008
Time for ban on export of Australian lead for petrol
Greens Oppose Magellan�s Lead Export Proposal
19 October 2007 International Lead Poisoning Awareness Week 2007 - Points to a lead-safe world
August 2007 Recall all leaded products from the mouths of babes
14 March 2007 Esperance residents fear high lead levels in
their air and drinking water.
14 March 2007
Environmental Health Protection neglected in WA� ACE calls for
Independent Inquiry.
July 2006 Lead Poisoned Citizens Kept In The Dark By W.A.
17 November 2005 "Green Lead": Oxymoron or future vision? speech -
Minerals Council of Australia Sustainable Development Conference.
24 October 2005
International Lead Poisoning Awareness Week - Aims and
achievements of The LEAD Group.
27 September 2005
When will government or industry help the community fight global
lead poisoning?
26 July 2005
Control the lead industry! - The LEAD Group demands bans and
Product Stewardship action.
28 April 2005
Lead Workers E-group set up for 10th commemoration of Dead and
Injured workers.
16 March 2005
Media Release from Lynn MacLaren, MLC, WA, Greens spokesperson
for Pollution and Air Quality.
16 March 2005
Media Release from Ms Libby Davy - Advocate for high quality
child care. �No� Vote For Toxic Child Care. The City of
Fremantle Council said �No� this week to a proposal for a
major child care centre that would have set a dangerous
benchmark for children�s health. also see United
Nations Rights of the Child
27 January 2005
Who will help these 67 countries to ban leaded petrol by end 2005?
25 July 2004 LEAD
Group leading the way: Funding is down but workload is up
14 June 2004
Smoking - a pain in the butt! - World Environment Day Award
winner calls for new cigarette packet warning of increased risk
of butt pain to you and others!
5 June 2004
Elizabeth O'Brien winner of the 2004 UNAA World Environment Day
for Outstanding Service to the Environment category
1 June 2004
Elizabeth O'Brien recognised for outstanding service in lead
poisoning prevention
14 August 2003
USA leads in lead-poisoning elimination
May 2003 UNSW Media Release - Lead
Levels Raise Health Concerns
6 January 2003
Early death in adults linked to lead exposure - US study
21 December 2002
Bad news & lead dust under the Christmas tree
20 December 2002
Lead Advisory Service funding debacle
7 June 2002
Australia�s big export � lead poison
7 June 2002
Global Dimensions of Lead Hit Home in Australia, the World's
Largest Lead Producer
17 October 2001 Inaugural International Lead Poisoning
Awareness Day/Week
8 February 2001
Lead companies may sink advisory service
19 October 2000
Alarming inaction over lead poisoning outbreak
16 October 2000
Menzies Centre Study Mars Lead Poisoning Awareness Week
2 October 2000
Tasmanian Public Health Director has All Power but has taken No
2 October 2000
What Does the Menzies Centre Have to Hide?
29 September 2000
Countdown has started for the Lead Advisory Service
September 2000 Green Games Sham - Visitors will Breathe
Leaded Air - Why? 55 Countries will have Banned Leaded Petrol
before Australia Does
30 August 2000
Green Games Sham - Visitors will Breathe Leaded Air - Why? 55
Countries will have Banned Leaded Petrol before Australia Does
25 July 2000
Latest Figures from The Lead Advisory Service Australia show
that 0.017% of your lead fuel excise is well spent.
19 May 2000 New
research on the health effects of lead exposure
11 April 2000 Lead
is still an issue! Despite Lead Replacement Petrol now locally
4 April 2000 leaded
consumer products
24 December 1999
Pretty skies pretty poisonous
1 December 1999
Ceiling dust woodsmoke and other toxics
26 October 1999
Lead Poisoning Awareness Poster Now Available
21 October 1999
Safe Candles for Lead Poisoning Awareness Week?
19 October 1999
It is Lead Poisoning Awareness Day
13 September 1999
Lead poisoning is recognised internationally as one of the
greatest health risks
9 August 1999
Candles sold in Australia have been found to have lead wicks
5 August 1999 Shame
NSW WA the first to go totally unleaded
9 July 1999
Government policy vital for removal of hazardous lead containing
ceiling dust in "Tarptown"
5 July 1999
Government policy vital for removal of hazardous lead containing
ceiling dust in "Tarptown"
5 June 1999
Australians Need a Toxics Info Line
April 1999 Sydney clean up after hail storm may pose hidden
lead contamination dangers
21 December 1998
David and Goliath Battle Taking Shape in the Hunter
14 October
1998 nearly 6,000 children may have too much lead in their
LAS 20
October 1998 Between 16 and 55 children will be lead
poisoned by the time they are four years old
October 1998 Does the Federal government think that each
Australian child saved from lead poisoning is worth two dollars
September 1998 For the sake of breastfed babies � please
be responsible when reporting new research on lead in breastmilk
31 May 1996
Helping at least 75,000 lead poisoned Australian children is not
worth $150,000 to the Federal Government
27 May 1996
Deadline for National LEADLINE Project
19 February 1996
lead foundry - residents demand safe demolition
19 October 1995
Flawed research underestimates lead problem
27 September 1995
Lead contamination scare Councils risk legal action
26 April 1995
Australia is the lone objector to global lead petrol phase-out
19 March 1995
Blood Lead Testing - City Children Neglected
17 March 1995 Lead
Centre maybe...
16 September 1994
lead workers - second class citizens
4 May 1992
A public meeting last night in Balmain