Media Release – Thursday 20th October 2011 International Lead Poisoning Awareness Day Innospec CEO declared Champion* of the Lead-Safe World *with expectations that he’ll earn the award before the end of 2011 Swiss President is the runner-up |
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Patrick Williams, CEO of Innospec, UK based fuel additives and fragrances manufacturer, has been named the inaugural Champion of the Lead-Safe World by The LEAD Group Inc. “Our hope is that this award will encourage Mr Williams to stop Innospec selling the lead additive for leaded petrol before the end of 2011,” declared Zac Gethin-Damon, The LEAD Group’s Campaigner for the Elimination of Leaded Petrol by the End of 2011, “because, if he does, it will be the most significant action in creating a lead-safe world, in history.” The LEAD Group is a health-promotion charity working internationally to create a lead-safe world by 2041. (See www.lead.org.au ) The announcement is the major event of this year’s International Lead Poisoning Awareness Day, 20th October. Runner-up for the award was Micheline Calmy-Rey, President of Switzerland, who was the first to identify the end of the sale of the additive Tetra-ethyl Lead (TEL) for leaded petrol as a move compliant with the OECD’s Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises [MNE]. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RESPONSIBLE BUSINESS CONDUCT IN A GLOBAL CONTEXT. [www.oecd.org/dataoecd/43/29/48004323.pdf ] Mr Williams is expected to announce the cessation of sale of tetra-ethyl lead for motor vehicles at the 9th Global Partnership Meeting (GPM) of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) in Nairobi on 26th October 2011. The announcement is expected to include the buy-back of all stocks of the lead additive, tetra ethyl lead (TEL) currently held by the six countries where leaded petrol is still sold: Afghanistan, Algeria, Burma (Myanmar), Iraq, North Korea and Yemen. Workers in the six countries will surely applaud this historic decision which will end TEL exposure for workers in the vehicle petroleum industry, exposure which has destroyed many workers’ lives since TEL was first added to petrol in 1923-4. The Champion of the Lead-Safe World award is expected to be valued by the shareholders of Innospec, as they recognise that reducing exposure to lead poisoning for 194 million people is the clear priority, rather than shareholder profits. It will be presented by Zac Gethin-Damon, at next week’s meeting in Nairobi. Contact: Elizabeth O’Brien, +61 2 9716 0014, mobile + 61 4 3118 4933 The LEAD Group Inc. is based in Australia (the source country of all the lead in all the leaded petrol in the world - the lead comes from Xstrata's Mt Isa mine) ### |
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