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The LEAD Group Inc
The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the
environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses
ABN 25 819 463 114
Australians! Take action
today. Is lead harming
you & your kids? Buy low
cost, NATA accredited
laboratory lead test kits
here. Sample your dust,
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Water Lead test Kits

Proceeds from our DIY Home Lead Assessment kit sales go towards the
Keeping Australian Lead Out of Leaded Petrol Initiative.

Searchable Q&A of the Global Lead Advice & Support Service (GLASS)

After opening the Searchable Q&A above Click on Search, all the questions and answers will be displayed in order from the oldest to the most recent. If you type into the top box any key word or phrase that you are interested in eg "lead solder" - when you click on Search, only questions including the phrase "lead solder" will be displayed. Alternatively, you can type a key word or phrase into each box (either the same or different phrases) and then choose between And or Or on the small right hand side drop down box.

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Questions & Answers 2012
  1. Why are material disposal certificates not required for used lead acid batteries [in NSW]?

  2. Is rainwater, collected via lead gutters/flashing etc, used on food crops, a concern?

  3. What is the process and costs for lead testing a Sydney house before the end of the cooling off period?

  4. Can making fishing sinkers by melting down scrap lead at home be regarded as a safe hobby?

  5. Why does the Iraq government still permit the sale of leaded petrol?

  6. How can I handle soot damage from a candle I had in my bedroom?

  7. Special classes in our schools and engaging parents to help their lead-poisoned children

  1. Can lead weights be used safely for hydrotherapy for a physically handicapped person?

  2. Re: your Comprehensive Lead test Kit. Is this a do it yourself kit?

  3. Linking depression and reproductive problems to 8 years exposure to lead solder fumes

  4. What are the long term effects of severe lead poisoning?

  5. Who could safely treat a 100 year old wall with peeling paint?

  6. What is the best and cheapest way to test the soil for lead in an old garden?

  7. How can I find out if I have lead-provoked DNA-damage which might pass to my children?

  8. Is there dangerous lead in modern motor car sump oil?

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Last Updated 12 February 2015
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PO Box 161 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia
Phone: +61 2 9716 0014