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Aims to eliminate lead poisoning, protect the environment from lead

and to strengthen networks of stakeholders to solve lead problems

The LEAD Group Inc
The Lead Education and Abatement Design Group
Working to eliminate lead poisoning globally and to protect the
environment from lead in all its uses: past, current and new uses
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Annual Report from LASA to SA Dept of Human Services & NSW Govt
incorporating Quarterly Reports June 2003 to May 2004

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National distribution by LASA of lead publications produced by the NSW Government

A total of 5,019 lead publications published by the NSW Government was distributed by LASA this year. This compares very poorly to last year's total of NSW Government publications which was 20,769. Apart from the reduction of staff, the major reason for this is that 2 of the 3 "Lead Safe" booklets and 4 of the 5 "Lead Safe" factsheets are out of print and only 1 of the factsheets and part of 1 booklet is web-published. This year the ratio of NSW Government publications to all items distributed (47,452 items) is approximately one tenth. The second column in the table below gives the number of each item distributed. The first column is the Library Identification number of the item in our database.

Had the five Lead Safe factsheets and all three booklets remained in print, (instead of just the first two items on the list being in print) the numbers distributed would have assuredly been much higher. The NSW Health Minister apparently agreed in 2002 to the Lead Safe publications being revised and reprinted but this has not yet occurred. When it does and all of them are web-published, our job of informing the Australian public about lead will be that much easier.

Library ID No. Sent Author Title
432 1719 LRC Publication Code LSE Lead Safe Fact Sheet - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
7061 614 LRC; Adapted from Roper, 1991 and NHMRC, 1994 How lead affects health
1536 520 LRC Publication Code LS3 Lead Safe - A Renovator's Guide To The Dangers Of Lead
880 331 LRC Publication Code LDE Lead Safe Fact Sheet - Lead in Ceiling Dust
879 273 LRC Publication Code LHE Lead Safe Fact Sheet - Lead Safe Housekeeping
878 227 LRC Publication Code Lpe Lead Safe Fact Sheet - Old Lead Paint
920 225 LRC Publication Code LRE Lead Safe Fact Sheet - Lead and Home Renovations
1076 223 LRC Publication Code LS2 Title on order form is "A guide for parents and families" Lead Safe - A Guide To Keeping Your Family Safe From Lead
394 184 EPA NSW Here's Why Keeping Your Car Tuned Doesn't Cost The Earth
410 184 NSW Health Immunisation - An Essential Guide To The School Entry Requirements.
711 184 EPA NSW Unleaded Petrol and Pre-1986 vehicles
7222 18 Planning NSW and NSW EPA (Environment Protection Authority) Maintenance, Renovation & Demolition Practices. A Guide for Councils [including an example Development Control Plan (DCP) for lead].
762 17 LRC Publication Code LSV Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Vietnamese) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
761 17 LRC Publication Code LST Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Turkish) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
760 17 LRC Publication Code LSS Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Spanish) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
759 17 LRC Publication Code LSM Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Macedonian) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
758 17 LRC Publication Code LSK Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Korean) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
638 17 LRC Publication Code LSC Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Chinese) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
765 17 LRC Publication Code LSA Lead Safe Fact Sheet (Arabic) - Lead, Your Health and the Environment
2664 16 LRC - EPA NSW Working Safely With Lead In The Building And Demolition Industry
2613 16 WorkCover NSW A Guide To Dust Hazards (Updated 1995)
4167 15 WorkCover NSW Protocol For Health Surveillance Of Workers In Lead Risk Jobs - Extract From Occupational Medicine Handbook - Seventh Edition
3098 14 NSW Health Dept & EPA. BHC Code Is Your Child Safe From Lead? (Green Poster) LSPOSTER
7266 14 Board Appointed to Inquire into the Prevalence & Prevention of Lead MINES, ordered by the NSW Legislative Assembly Printed 25 May, 1893
2029 12 WorkCover NSW Superseded - Protocol For Health Surveillance Of Workers In Lead Risk Jobs - Extract From Occupational Medicine Handbook
431 10 LRC Publication Code LS1 Lead Safe - A Guide For Health Care Professionals
4110 7 Lee, John; Schreiber, Rolf; & Finn, Helen; Scientific Services, NSW WorkCover Assessment of Lead Exposure Associated with Ceiling Dust Removal
7334 5 EPA NSW, scanned by Tanya Rowland in March 2004 Five (5) photos of Balcomb scrap metal recovery yard where John Dederer and Keith Rowland worked, taken by the NSW EPA on 10th June 1998.
6937 4 WorkCover Authority NSW Hazard Profile for Metal Roofing [including the hazard "lead contaminated ceiling dust"]
3119 3 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment LRC Industry Presentation
679 3 NSW Health Dept Investigations Of Cases Of Elevated Blood Lead Levels - Guidelines For Environmental Health Officers
6761 2 Dept of Housing, NSW Department of Housing [NSW] Policy - REP0950A: Lead Paint
7275 2 NSW EPA Pasminco ordered to rehabilitate its slag dump
7360 2 NSW Parliament & Australian Parliament NSW Legislation affecting Lead Paint as at March 2002 thru to May 2004 - Extracted from NSW POISONS & THERAPEUTIC GOODS ACT 1966; NSW POISONS & THERAPEUTIC GOODS REGULATION 1994; & CMWLTH THERAPEUTIC GOODS ACT 1989
6789 2 NSW Health Dept Lead Safe Publications ORDER FORM [with 2 booklets & 4 factsheets marked O/S [out of stock] & including new "Lead: You & Your Children" POSTER]
910 2 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Lead Standards, Guidelines And Regulations In NSW And Australia And US
5833 2 EPA NSW A Guide for Councils in Managing Lead Contamination in Home Maintenance, Renovation and Demolition Practices; including an example Development Control Plan (DCP) [Penultimate Final Draft]
7273 2 NSW Government - Consolidated Regulations Sect 5 - Packaging and labelling generally [including for paints and cosmetics] from NSW Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2002
111 2 EPA NSW Environmental Guidelines: Assessment, Classification & Management of Liquid & Non-liquid Wastes
5818 2 EPA NSW Impact Assessment - Development Control Plan [DCP] for the Management of Lead Contamination
7361 2 NSW Parliament SECT 21 Supply of art materials [except artists' oil colours], toys, furniture etc containing poisons [from] NSW POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS REGULATION 2002
581 1 WorkCover NSW Vacuum Cleaners Approved As Per The Factories Shops And Industries Act
561 1 WorkCover NSW Living With Fibro
503 1 Waste Service NSW Recycling And Solid Waste Disposal- Guide & Charges From July 1997
502 1 Waste Service NSW Guidelines For The Disposal Of Special Wastes, Asbestos And Security Wastes At Waste Management Centres (Landfills)
500 1 Waste Service NSW Excluded Wastes At Waste Management Centres
7274 1 NSW EPA Next steps on Nelligen lead contamination
3444 1 Waste Service NSW Recycling And Solid Waste Disposal- Guide & Charges from July 1999 (Second Edition)
3373 1 LRC (Lead Reference Centre) Lead Safe Renovator's Checklist and Hiring a Lead Safe Contractor (pp 27-8 and title page of A Renovator's Guide to the Dangers of Lead [booklet])
4116 1 Knowles, Craig, MP, Minister for Health NSW Health Department unable to support The LEAD Group's request for 3 year funding for Lead Advisory Service.
5175 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Sources of Lead in the Environment
4374 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Lead Case Studies
4721 1 Balding, Bill; NSW Health Dept Handwritten Draft Results of Study with working title: "An Evaluation of Opportunistic Blood Lead Surveillance in Charting the Decline of Blood Lead in Australia"
168 1 WorkCover NSW How To Prevent Silicosis - Dust In The Workplace
498 1 Waste Service NSW Disposal Of Small Quantities Of Commercial And Industrial Liquid Chemical Wastes
6185 1 Lee, John; Schreiber, Rolf; & Finn, Helen; Scientific Services, NSW WorkCover Discussion, Recommendations & Conclusion FROM Assessment of Lead Exposure Associated with Ceiling Dust Removal
3441 1 Waste Service NSW Customer Information- Stabilised Asbestos (Fibro) & Synthetic Mineral Fibres (Insulation Batts)
2553 1 NSW Children's Services Health and Safety Committee Lead Hazard Management In Children's Services
3365 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Contemporary Lead Products
7264 1 Board Appointed to Inquire into the Prevalence & Prevention of Lead Report of the Board Appointed to Inquire into the Prevalence & Prevention of Lead Poisoning at the BROKEN HILL SILVER-LEAD MINES to the Honorable the Minister for Mines and Agriculture ordered by the NSW Legislative Assembly to be Printed 25 May, 1893
7217 1 Seljak, Rob, A/General Manager, NSW WorkCover Authority No specific offence code exists for lead contamination so NSW WorkCover is unable to provide data on the number of painters fined for it; notifications for PbB > 50 ug/dL are not collated but anecdotally, there was one in the past 12 months.
5176 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Traditional remedies reported to contain lead
835 1 WorkCover NSW Control Of Lead In The Radiator Repair Industry 1995 - Safety Alert No: 403
3111 1 WorkCover NSW Vacuum Cleaners Approved As Per AS 3544-1988: Industrial Vacuum Cleaners For Particulates Hazardous To Health - As At 1st
2622 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Traditional Medicines And Remedies
5170 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Sources of Lead in the Environment - Paint
2621 1 Lead Reference Centre (LRC) - a now defunct part of NSW Environment Historical Lead Products
5866 1 WorkCover Authority NSW Part 7.6 Lead processes and lead risk work, EXTRACT from OHS Regulation 2001 With Margin Notes
5856 1 NSW Health Dept Lead Safe Publications ORDER FORM
3442 1 Waste Service NSW Customer Information- Asbestos Wastes
Total LIDs Sent 5019    

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