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QUESTION: Do you know of a medical doctor in Massachusetts who could treat my husband's lead poisoning? 30/08/10 Massachusetts, USA - United States of America My husband had a hair analysis done after years of digestive problems, sleep apnea, mental disturbances, acting as if he had ADD and bipolar. They found high levels of lead and started him on MSM to chelate the lead as well as clay and supplements such as iron, zinc and magnesium. He is just seeing a Naturopath and his symptoms are worsening, he is very aggressive, has explosive anger, mood swings, lethargy, indigestion, vomiting etc. I never know what I am going to come home to and how he is going to treat me. We have 2 young children that are being affected by his illness. Do you know of a medical doctor in Massachusetts that is trained and EXPERIENCED in the treatment of heavy metals? |
ANSWER: Aug 30 2010 Dear Terri, I'm very sorry to hear about the havoc lead has caused in the life of your family. We have set up some listservs (egroups) which may be useful in locating a Massachusetts doctor experienced in treating lead poisoning but you could also try searching for your zipcode radius on the FIND A PHYSICIAN page - Welcome to Physician+Link ( 1-800-532-3688 ) of the ACAM - The American College for Advancement in Medicine - website. Even if you find a doctor from the ACAM website, you may still want to join one of our egroups for the support that you need and perhaps, answers to other questions. Please see our list of egroups and once you join a group, you can send your queries to all the members of that group by writing to one email address. Nutritional intervention (changing the food intake rather than just giving supplements) is a key factor in reducing the blood lead level so my recommendation would be that you recommend to your husband that he ask the doctor to do a blood lead test on him (to get a baseline), and that you then follow the advice in our nutrition to fight lead poisoning information at LEAD Action News vol 10 no 2, and at an appropriate time eg one month after changing the diet or whenever his chelation treatment regime demands it (in order to determine if the chelation treatment should continue), have another blood lead test to check on the success of the interventions. Another critical action which some naturopaths unfortunately don't mention, is to identify where the lead is coming from and to then remove your husband from the source/s or remove the source/s from his environment. All the best with assisting your husband to return to good health and happiness. He's really lucky to have you looking out for him. Yours Sincerely Elizabeth O'Brien |
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