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QUESTION: Could you please advise us where we could get IV chelation in Queensland? 22/06/10  Queensland, Australia

My entire family has tested positive with high levels of lead, mercury etc, including our 3 children aged 10, 8 and 3. Could you please advise us where we could get IV chelation in Queensland (preferably ) otherwise where in Australia please.

I am not at home at present so would appreciate any contacts you might have via e-mail please.

Many thanks,

yours sincerely and desperately,


EMAIL TWO Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 6:30 AM

Thank you for such a rapid response Elizabeth !

As you mentioned we have all been tested in every which way and have all 5 of us shown lead exposure as current in our blood. We have since moved now and the reason I haven't rang is because my son and I are undergoing chelation in North Carolina with Dr Buttar at this moment.

This is our second trip which we come for a month at a time, but it is too expensive and we need to find an alternative in Australia, pref Qld. as there are no quick fixes with heavy metals.  Our son has been the priority ( having autism, naturally, due to such high lead and mercury. ), and his first IV challenge dumped 265 µg of lead. By the end of the 4th week of treatments here last time, he was still dumping 65 µg of lead with a little mercury starting to come out. My husband has tested in the top 5% in the US for lead toxicity ( his are elevated having been a helicopter pilot for years ). The rest of us are all very high also.

 So, thank you for your e-mail and your information ! We will endeavour to find someone in Queensland who can help us. It's certainly too hard on our family to keep coming over here, but the chelation approach to Autism is not so widely accepted in Australia.

 Kindest regards and with sincere thanks !,


ANSWER: Jun 22 2010

Dear Kelli,

I'm sorry to hear about your family's heavy metal test results.

If your doctor has determined that IV chelation is necessary, then we recommend you find a chelating doctor (or dentist) off the list on the ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine) website - State Referral Lists (in alphabetical order of suburb) of doctors or dentists including those who do chelation are at

When you open the Queensland page, then use Ctrl+F to find 'chelation' and keep finding til you find one closest to you.

The more vital recommendation we make, is that you ask your local doctor to do blood lead testing to pinpoint whether there is a source of lead that everyone in the family is currently being exposed to. The Queensland Health Dept will be notified if anyone in the family has a blood lead result above 15 micrograms per decilitre and that's the action level for them doing a home lead assessment. As far as I'm aware, there's no action level for mercury.

You may also be aware that young children in Mount Isa are getting free home lead assessments from Queensland Health if their blood lead level exceeds 10 micrograms per decilitre (µg/dL), and in Western Australia the trigger level for a free home lead assessment for children under 5 years of age is 5 µg/dL. So I cannot recommend more highly that you get the whole family tested for lead in whole blood, especially the 3 year old, as a priority.

The next step, depending on the results, is to ask for a free home lead assessment. IF everyone's blood lead level is lower than 5 µg/dL and above 2 µg/dL, we make a further recommendation that you investigate where the lead is coming from, using one of our DIY-sampling kits which involves you collecting samples and posting them to a lab here in Sydney, for lead analysis. If there's no other obvious source like paint or lead-contaminated soil, and if your drinking water is rainwater, damwater or borewater, then I would definitely recommend testing the kitchen tap water (2 samples can be done using our 2-sample Water Kit or you can use 2 of the 8 samples in our Comprehensive Kit for water) for lead. Once you've got environmental test results, you need to remove the lead sources in a lead-safe way.

The further essential step is to ask your doctor to review your family's nutrient status. Iron studies can easily be requested to be done on the same blood sample which will be being tested for lead. I will email you our Info Pack on Nutrition to Fight Lead Poisoning in case any changes need to be made to family meals.

Until you have blood lead results, I would not see finding a chelating doctor as your first priority. If you can move straight to cleaning up lead or mercury sources or eliminating those pathways of further poisoning, that is usually the biggest priority.

All the best and I'm very happy to comment on blood lead results and any information you might provide on likely sources.

Yours Sincerely

Elizabeth O'Brien

EMAIL TWO Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2010 10:35 AM

Subject: How did the family of a helicopter pilot become lead poisoned?

Dear Kelli,

your experience sounds horrendous. What has been done to locate the source/s of lead for the children and yourself, and to eradicate them? It is impossible to over-emphasise the importance of that step. Is someone else currently being exposed to heavy metals in the place where you used to live?

If you could possibly send me any or all of your blood lead results over time, I will be able to get a much clearer picture of the problem.

Am I right in assuming that your husband was exposed via both the inhalation and skin absorption pathways, to leaded AvGas while he was a helicopter pilot? Did he have to do his own refuelling? Was the helicopter so badly designed that refuelling without spilling AvGas on your skin and clothes was practically impossible? Did he bring his work clothes home to be washed? Does your husband have other health problems related to his exposure to leaded AvGas? Children of course can pick up lead from dust and soil but I'm very interested to understand the source of your high blood lead level.

Kind regards

Elizabeth O'Brien

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