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QUESTION: Where in Tasmania can I have a chelation provocation test, 08 Dec 2006, Tasmania Australia I am presently being treated for high levels of lead, cadmium and aluminium which I believe I acquired whilst working with my husband in our business. I have been ill with seriously debilitating muscle pain and spasms for the last 6-7 years. I spent the first 6 years undergoing extensive investigation both in Tas and in Vic in an effort to ascertain what was wrong with me. Eventually a local doctor sent a hair test off for analysis to Interclinical Laboratories in NSW and the tests came back showing I had levels that of lead particularly went off the top of the chart the aluminium and cadmium were in the high level dangerous zone. The doctor treating me wants to do a provocation challenge test to ascertain more definitely where the levels are now at but we cannot find where to have this done. Can you help? Do you know where in Tasmania I can go to have the infusion necessary to complete this test. I am allergic to sulphur and have to have the alternative infusion. My doctor has tried to set up the test at the practice he is at but the staff will not take the responsibility of doing the infusion in case something goes wrong so we have come to a brick wall. Any advice you can offer would be sincerely appreciated as I have just recently had my 7 year old son tested and I was working at the service station during my pregnancy and shortly after giving birth went back to work and breast fed him and had him in the workshop with me. His test came back showing the same heavy metals that I have but not at as high a level as me. If you can help please do, kind Regards Tracy Dance |
ANSWER: 08 Dec 2006 Dear Tracy, The website of ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine) - Practitioner Listing by State - have had training by ACNEM and some of these practitioners have undergone training in chelation. A urine chelation provocation test is one way to determine whether chelation would be an appropriate treatment for you but a simple blood lead (or heavy metals) test which can be organised by any doctor, is another way to determine this. If you get a blood lead test done on yourself and your son, it is usually the best way to inform your treating practitioner on best options. If it turns out that a provocation test is still useful, then, having looked through the Tasmanian practitioners listed on the ACNEM referral list, I'm guessing that either one of the following GPs would be the most useful to you. KINGSTON 7050 03 6239 1572 Russell Cooper GP HUONVILLE 7109 03 6264 2800 Greg Schwarz GP The other advantage of having the blood lead test done is that a blood lead level above 15 micrograms per decilitre (µg/dL) is a notifiable disease in Tasmania and will be notified to the health department who will then contact you to advise you on how to lower blood lead levels in your family and possibly carry out a lead assessment. All the best with your journey to healthfulness. I hope this helps. |
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