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QUESTION: Removalists & health risks of ceiling dust removal & demolition,
12 Apr 2006, South Australia I am renovating my 1920's bungalow, and have a lot of dust in my ceilings that needs to be removed so that I can repair sections of the ornate ceiling panels and to minimize any health risks as well allowing me to fit ceiling insulation. What I would like is to know if anyone cleans this dust in Adelaide and some contact details as well as any health risks that I may and have been exposed to while demolishing and working up in the ceiling. Thank you I look forward to your reply. |
ANSWER: 01 May 2006 Dear Mick, sorry for the delay in responding but our email answering volunteer has not been in for three weeks! The only company we know of that does ceiling dust removal in Adelaide is based near Melbourne and is called Super Suction Services on 03 5250 1653, Mob 0407 593 250. I don't know their Adelaide office number. You will find all the info you need about health risks of ceiling dust exposure at - Slide Show: CEILING DUST - What WorkCover and others can do about it. Presented to NSW WorkCover's Demolition & Asbestos Consultative Committee, 3rd March 2005, Sydney. The best way to determine if you might have been taken some of the ceiling dust into you is to have a blood lead test - this can be organised through your GP.
All the best For dust removal in Sydney, Melbourne and Newcastle see www.adra.com.au |
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