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QUESTION: Australian Refined Alloys lead acid battery recycling plant,
19 Mar 2006, New South Wales Australia
Are the residents of Southern Sydney aware of the lead smelter in Alexandria? I drive past this plant regularly and have only recently become aware of its purpose. LEAD REFINING. Are the residents located within 100m of this smelter aware of the possible side affects from lead exposure for themselves and their children? Is their lead in blood being monitored by health care professionals? I drove past this smelter on Saturday 11/03/06 and to my horror noticed clouds of lead bearing dust being blown out the front gate and up the stack. The residents in close proximity to this HELL HOLE must be made aware of the dangers posed to their health. The Council & EPA must take action & force the sites closure or relocation. Why is there a lead processing smelter in the heart of Sydney? Concerned Citizen. |
ANSWER: 19 Apr 2006
Dear Concerned Citizen, Because you did not include your email address we cannot respond directly to you. Thankyou for bringing the uninformed of the community to our attention. It has long been of concern to me that it is only those people who go seeking the information who could ever find out anything about toxic emissions from industry. There are two sources of online government information on a facility of the magnitude of this secondary lead smelter that I am aware of, but I agree with you that the community should be given the information more proactively by government, rather than government relying on the community to seek it out and find it (and trust the credibility of it) on the web. One obvious occasion that community members could be given information is when they are deciding to buy or rent a home in the area. Real Estate agents and home sellers or landlords could be required by law to provide written information. In the United States such people are required to provide information on lead hazards in a home or yard. Write to your members of parliament to request the same here. In the meantime, the two websites that provide information are: www.environment.nsw.gov.au/prpoeo/index.htm AND www.npi.gov.au
Yours Sincerely Update 2012:
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