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QUESTION: Environmental Physicians, 14 Mar 2006, New South Wales Australia Attention Elizabeth O'Brien Dear Elizabeth, You may remember my situation in relation to Pasminco and in the past you have sent me some very informative documentation in relation to the effects of lead on the families health. I now would like to ask if you would have any knowledge of an Environmental Physician who could study my families medical records and comment on the probability of lead exposure being a significant factor in the various illness of my family. The illnesses include neurological problems, liver problems, sino-immune problems. The documentation that I have at hand which is fairly general indicates that living within close proximity (1500m) of such a plant for 30 odd years has had a detrimental effect on us all. I would appreciate any knowledge you have regarding an expert who we could contact or who may be willing to assist us. We have sent all the documentation to Ferrier Hodgson who are the administrators of Pasminco and the only information that may be lacking to support our case is an experts opinion linking our illnesses to lead exposure.
Thanking you in advance |
ANSWER: 10 Apr 2006 Dear Jane This is to confirm that the referrals for Environmental Physicians you were asking were given to you by Elizabeth in the phone conversation. However, they are ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine), Prof Graham Vimpani, Acting Director, Kaleidoscope in Greater Newcastle, Hunter Children's Health Network, and Assoc Prof Chris Winder, Austox CCS & Associate Professor in Applied Toxicology & Head of School, School of Safety Science, UNSW. Regards |
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