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  QUESTION: Vinyl coated diving weights, 29 Aug 2005, Queensland Australia

Dear Sir/Madam

i am working for a dive company in Australia and we are looking at purchasing some lead weights for diving. I was wondering if you had a list of suppliers that could help us in this regard.

your help in this situation will be much appreciated

kind regards
Operation manager

ANSWER: 14 Sep 2005

Dear Sir,

Our organisation is dedicated to eliminating lead poisoning and protecting the environment from lead so although I could just tell you that Blackwoods sell leaded diving weights, I have also found the following info on the web:

[Update 2012: Vinyl coated diving weights 

1. Source:

Environmental Enforcement
Proposition 65 Enforcement
As You Sow is one of the leading enforcers of Proposition 65, a California ballot initiative approved by the voters in 1986. The initiative specifies that when a company, through its products or processes, exposes citizens to known carcinogens or reproductive toxins, it must provide warnings to consumers. It prohibits discharges of such chemicals into the state's drinking water, and mandates civil penalties for violations of the law.

As You Sow has brought hundreds of manufacturers and whole industries into compliance with Proposition 65 during the last nine years. Significant victories include commitments by manufacturers to go beyond.

Proposition 65 requirements and reformulate nail polish, consumer spray paints, glues, and automotive products to remove toluene, lead, cadmium and other heavy metals.
We encourage innovative settlements that reduce hazardous emissions, reduce consumer exposure to toxics, provide funds for employee training to reduce worker exposure to toxic chemicals.

Proposition 65 Enforcement

Here are some examples of successful enforcement actions initiated by As You Sow that will directly protect human health and the environment:

a.. Manufacturers and retailers of scuba diving gear agreed to stop selling non-coated solid lead diving weights, and to substitute safer weights sealed with rubber, eliminating the likelihood of exposure to lead by users, and reducing the environmental threat to coral reef and other ecosystems.

Regards and happy diving.
Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth O'Brien

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Last Updated 12 June 2012
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