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  QUESTION: Effect of time and lead petrol phase-out on soil contamination, 23 Aug 2005, ACT Australia

Dear Sir/Madam

I was wondering if your organisation has undertaken any research into the concentrations of lead in soils due to car exhaust. At current I am undertaking a semester long research into quantities of lead in soils on roadsides.

If you would be willing to send me some information on the topic of "Lead in soils due to car exhausts" or otherwise related information it would be much appreciated.

I myself am undertaking a academically based sampling operation of the roadsides in the ACT region. I will then be comparing this to a previous students project to see the effects time and lead out-phasing has had on soils.

If you are interested in the outcomes of my results I would be more than happy to share with you.

Benjamin Padovan

ANSWER: 23 Aug 2005

Dear Benjamin,

I will organise tomorrow for a volunteer to post you a couple of items from our library which I hope you will find useful:

  1. Centre for Ecotoxicology (a joint venture of NSW EPA & University of Technology Sydney) Roadside Heavy Metals Reference List from the Honours Thesis of Grant Hose, UTS School of Applied Biology 1994. [LID 670]
  2. Contamination Of Roadside Soil And Vegetation With Cadmium, Nickel, Lead, And Zinc by Lagerwerff JV et al, Environmental Science & Technology Vol 4 No 7 July 1970 [LID 1222].
  3. Case Study: The Accumulation Of Lead In Soils And Road Gutters: A Comparison Between Rozelle And Kings Langley by Dale, Malcolm and Ford, Patricia, Leichhardt Municipal Council, State of the Environment Report 1996 [LID 1830]

You may also be interested in the attached article: Wheel Balancing Weights Found to be Major Source of Urban, Roadside Lead Pollution [an ABSTRACT of "Streets Littered with Lead" published in Albuquerque Journal, 12/02/2001]

Yes we'd love a copy of your study for our library - an electronic version by preference. Please let us know the web-address also if it is intended to be web-published.

Yours Sincerely
Elizabeth O'Brien

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