LEAD Action News

LEAD Action News vol 7 no 3, 1999, ISSN 1324-6011
Incorporating Lead Aware Times ( ISSN 1440-4966) and Lead Advisory Service News ( ISSN 1440-0561)
The journal of The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group Inc.

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Case Study - Lead Homoeopathic

By Anna Priest, Secretary ASOMAT
(Australian Society for Oral Medicine and Toxicology)

PO Box 448, Grafton, Australia, 2460. ph: +61 (02) 6643 3924

My Experiences with Lead Homoeopathic

I was advised to take the following homoeopathic treatment after assessment by the VEGA system a biofeedback electro-magnetic frequency analyser - to say whether for instance, lead is affecting the pancreas, or the liver etc. You need to warn people when taking homoeopathic treatment to not drink coffee, use toothpaste or expose themselves to strong fumes. There's very little lead in it - it's diluted down so that only the vibration is there.

10g enthalten contains:

Dose: 5 drops every 2 days on skin of inner arms. (Can be taken orally if not too sensitive to Pb.)

The three-week course of homoeopathics for lead - which was no picnic - certainly moved something out. This was a potent brew, made in Germany (where homoeopathy is widely practiced) and designed to address the type of lead pollution originating from transport and industry. This mixture contained lead chlorate, lead phosphate, metallic lead, crude benzene, benzopyrene, benzoate (tar), sulphuric acid, kerosene, and metallic vanadium. Throughout this course I experienced headaches, and sudden "hot spots", generally on the head and temple area, and severe sharp pains in the feet, as well as tingling in the feet. As around 90 percent of lead is stored in the bones, and I'd had pain in my legs and feet for many years, I wondered if this lead homoeopathic was targeting the lead stored there.

The Homoeopathic Principle

Homoeopathic medicine is a combination of extremely detailed diagnosis and pharmaceutics which utilises minute amounts of various materials to stimulate the body's natural defences.

Homoeopathy takes into account the individual's physical and mental reactions to his or her internal and external environment. It recognises that each person is unique in personality and psychophysical construction which is determined by the interplay of hereditary tendencies and factors of disease. Rather than suppressing symptoms, homoeopathy works by building up the body and its immune defences.

By the law of similars, using the concept of "like cures like", homoeopathic dilutions may be drawn from plant, mineral, chemical, metal, animal, bacterial and viral substances. Despite their highly diluted nature, when appropriately used, homoeopathic remedies can exert a very powerful effect on the body, which is why they are widely used and have stood the test of time. Many homoeopathics are diluted so that they no longer contain any molecule of the original substance. Although very little of the original material may remain in the remedy (merely what is known as the "vibration" of the original substance), they can still have a strong influence on the body and mind. As part of the healing response to the remedy, initially homoeopathics may cause a reaction to occur, which is generally a short-lived exacerbation of symptoms (known as "proving" the remedy).

Homoeopathy can aid in detoxification. In skilled hands, homoeopathic remedies can greatly assist the body to deal with the effects of toxic metals in various ways. For example, German studies have shown through clinical studies that homoeopathic medications are capable of restoring damaged enzyme systems by their ability to open up enzyme pathways in the body. Homoeopathics can be used to strengthen and support the function of individual organs or systems such as the digestive, circulatory, immune, or lymphatic system. For example, a lymphatic complex can aid the lymphatic removal of heavy metals from tissues and reduce adverse reactions from liberated metals. A remedy for the liver, kidneys or other organs can be tailored for the individual patient.

DMSA of Benefit in Childhood Lead Poisoning

A report by Anna Priest, [PO Box 448, Grafton, Australia, 2460. ph +61 (02) 6643 3924 Email: priest@nor.com.au] on an abstract by Graziano J. et al. "Oral 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) for the Management of Moderately Severe Childhood Lead Poisoning." In The Toxicologist, 10:271, Abstract 1081, Feb. 1990

A study at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, reported on the benefits of using DMSA over EDTA in children with lead poisoning. Twenty-three children with blood lead concentrations of 50-69 µg/dl (micrograms per decilitre) took part in a study to determine the safety and efficacy of oral DMSA in comparison to intravenous EDTA. Evaluated as having moderately severe lead toxicity, the children were admitted to hospital for the first five days of treatment. Graziano and colleagues reported that during this time their average blood lead concentrations declined by 61% in response to DMSA, and by 46% with EDTA. Upon discharge, the children in the DMSA group received varying doses of DMSA capsules over a period of two weeks. The authors reported that the DMSA treatment was extremely well tolerated by all the children, even in some who were compromised in other ways. As a result of their findings, Graziano and colleagues concluded, "Thus, DMSA should ultimately simplify the clinical management of childhood lead poisoning."

Author's Note: Dr Noel Campbell in Melbourne has had some experience using DMSA to lower heavy metal levels in children. Anna Priest

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