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Tide Turns Toward Certification, Will Lead Specialists be Next? While on the one hand the Lead Reference Centre (part of the NSW EPA), NSW WorkCover and Department of Fair Trading all seem to think that accreditation of ceiling dust removalists and lead remediation / abatement contractors and lead assessors / inspectors is not feasible, the tide is surely turning, as, on the other hand:-
Reference: APAS NEWS, Australian Paint Approval Scheme, Issue 10: July 1998. The first applications for certification to Class 5, Lead Paint Management have been audited and interim certification has been granted to three contractors:
Full certification has been deferred until the Blast Cleaners & Coating Association (BCCA) has ratified lead paint management courses for contract staff. Development of the PCCP [Painting Contractors Certification Program] to encompass decorative and architectural painting moved a step closer at the May [1998] meeting of the PCCP Management Board with the BCCA, Master Painters Association (MPA) and Scientific Services Laboratory (SSL) agreeing in principle to a new Memorandum of Understanding. The MPAs training officer and the PCCP Manager have been developing the ground rules for certification of contractors. The scheme will focus on certifying contractors working on commercial buildings. However, it is envisaged that the scheme will be extended to "Lead Paint Management" and eventually to "Domestic" painting. NSW Appoints Accredited Contaminated Site Auditors Clayton Utz dynamic law firm - sent us the following media release on 30th July 1998. The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) in NSW has accredited 21 of an estimated 40 site auditors which it hopes to have in place before the end of 1998. Mr Bateman, a senior associate with national law firm Clayton Utz, said the appointments were of auditors who are registered in Victoria as accredited site auditors under Victorian environmental legislation and whose qualifications have been accepted in NSW under mutual recognition legislation. "These appointments will now mean that audits of contaminated land or land suspected of being contaminated required for a statutory purpose, can be carried out, as the Contaminated Land Act requires, by accredited site auditors, Mr Bateman said. [Ed: are domestic contaminated sites included?] |
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Updated 26 February 2013