LEAD Action News Vol
1 no 2 Winter 1993 ISSN 1324-6011 Incorporating Lead Aware Times ( ISSN 1440-4966) and Lead Advisory Service News ( ISSN 1440-0561) The journal of The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group Inc. |
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LEAD NEWS The Sun Herald 7-3-93 Labor plans to cut lead
levels in petrol "Labor proposes to halve lead levels in petrol across Australia in a final bid to shore up the environmental vote before next Saturday's election". "Speaking at Richmond, near Sydney, Environment Minister Ros Kelly confirmed the lead plan, saying legislation to enforce it would be drawn up within six months if Labor won". The Australian 25-3-93 p3 Fahey to cut lead in
petrol "The NSW Premier, Mr Fahey, said yesterday his Government would require petroleum companies to cut the lead content in petrol to 0.3 grams a litre within a year and to 0.15 grams a litre as soon as feasible thereafter" . Consuming Interest April 1993 pp22-4 The
problem of lead - proposals for a new battle plan Weekend Independent p3 2-4-93 Petrol to contain
less lead "The Queensland government will look at reducing the amount of lead in leaded fuel. This follows action recently announced by the New South Wales government”. Weekend Australian 24 p7, 25-4-93 Fears over polluted rivers By JULIAN CRIBB "Heavy metal contamination of sediments in the rivers, creeks and bays off Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay has been uncovered by a Sydney University scientific team. "Lead levels ranged as high as 900 parts per million in Salt Pan Creek, the Cooks River and southern bays of the Parramatta River estuary - compared with a background level of less than 50 ppm". "During studies of the use of mussels as pollution monitors, a team led by ANSTO's Dr Ross Jeffree found heavy metals entered the animal by the same route that it absorbs calcium to build its shell or bones. In the absence of sufficient calcium for its needs, the creature takes up heavy metals by mistake." Utusan Konsumer p18, Penang mid May 1993 Lead and the link to children's IQ GLOBAL NOTEBOOK" A large new study by a research team at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx, is the first to examine the benefits of reducing lead levels in children who have no obvious symptoms of lead poisoning. "On average, they found that for each three-microgram drop in lead there was a corresponding one-point improvement in the children's performance on IQ tests. In the group of children who responded best to treatment, a drop up to 30 micrograms lead was noted, which would correspond to a 10 point increase in intelligence scores". Daily Telegraph Mirror p19. 21-5-93 Pray as you urn a cuppa "The West Australian Health Dept said yesterday recent samples had revealed high levels of metal in the water in some cappuccino machines. "And in one case the level was nearly 20 times the standard." Sydney Morning Herald 22-5-93 Lead contamination
worry in Broken Hill "Already, four Broken Hill children, with blood lead levels almost three times as high as those recommended as safe in Australia, and six times as high as levels seen as safe in the United States, have had to be chemically treated to remove the heavy metal from their systems. "The report found the concentration of fine particles of lead in the soil in one small part of the town was 67 times the recommended levels." Sydney Morning Herald p8 24-5-93 Lead
exposure targeted "The delegates at the meeting of the Australian New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (ANZECC) described lead contamination as one of the most crucial health and environmental concerns facing Australia" The Australian 24-5-93 p14 Kelly kicks off petrol drive "After a meeting of ANZECC in Sydney at the weekend, Mrs Kelly foreshadowed Australia would take steps to eliminate most lead in petrol as the United States and Canada have done". The Australian 24-5-93 Overdue move to lower lead levels Editorial "In the face of compelling and consistent scientific reports showing lead to be more dangerous, and in smaller quantities, than previously thought, Australian authorities are considering reducing the standard to 15 micrograms. Their review, however, has been interminable. In the meantime the United States lauded by Mrs Kelly for tackling the leaded petrol issue - has long since reduced its standard to 10 micrograms. " Telegraph Mirror 25-5-93 Car push to get the
lead out "Owners of all cars capable of running on unleaded petrol were today urged to make the switch to the ' greener' fuel." The Age 27-5-93 Call for price incentive to
reduce use of leaded petrol "The Federal Government is expected to consider making leaded petrol up to three cents a litre more expensive than unleaded fuel as part of a campaign to reduce lead pollution." The Australian 28-5-93 Our lead levels
are still much too high "The LEAD Group is concerned that any change to Australia's blood lead 'level of concern' which settles on a figure above 10ug/dL, would be based on political rather than medical factors". The Australian p6 28-5-93 Low lead in
petrol may save $4.6bn "Governments could save the economy $4.6 billion by reducing childhood brain damage and adult heart attacks and strokes caused by leaded petrol, a new study has found". Sydney Morning Herald 28-5-93 Pasminco expects
another $60m loss "The big base metals miner declared that at best this year's result before abnormal charges would equal last year's loss due to wayward zinc prices, for which the depreciation in the Australian dollar had failed to compensate." The Advertiser P 14 29-5-93 Blitz on old
jalopies to cut lead levels "The oil industry representative body, the Australian Institute of Petroleum, has joined the push for lower lead levels in petrol. AlP executive director Mr Jim Starkey said the industry was doing all it could to keep prices down, and at the same time produce an environmentally sound product. "He said it was impossible for the industry to cut the level of lead in petrol immediately without directly affecting petrol prices." Sydney Morning Herald p46 29-5-93 Moments from
MELTDOWN The awful truth of Chernobyl "The only way to stop the emission of radionuclides and put out the fire was to smother the burning reactor with sand. This would have to be dropped into the crater by helicopters, and to the loads of sand should be added boron, dolomite and lead." Newcastle Herald 8-6-93 A lead on lead Editorial The National Health and Medical Research Council wisely set a lower target last week for concentrations of lead in blood, more than halving the previously accepted level to less than 10 micrograms of lead in each decilitre of blood. "While anti-lead groups have criticised the NHMRC for setting no date for achievement of the lower target, that task is really the province of politicians." OLD NEWS Sydney Morning Herald 7-7-81 Lead-free petrol
switch postponed "The change-over to lead-free petrol in NSW will now begin in 1985 - one year later than planned - as part of a compromise to get all the states moving together on the issue." |
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