Lead, Ageing & Death

    When retired people die, who ever asks the question – “Did lead kill this person?”

    The symptoms of lead poisoning read like a description of old age: poor memory and hearing, falls (from loss of balance), joint pain, reduced sperm count, loss of libido, tooth decay, Alzheimer's disease, dementia, early death from strokes and heart attacks (from raised blood pressure), cancer.

    If WorkCover were to commission a study of workers exposed to ceiling dust to investigate what they die of and when they die, I believe building cavity dust would very quickly be added to the list of dusts dealt with by the Dust Diseases Board.

    So what’s all the fuss about? What does lead do to you? It doesn’t kill you does it?

    How lead affects health

    Source: Adapted from Roper 1, 1991 & NH&MRC 2, 1994

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Last Updated 15 June 2013
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