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We offer donations and memberships.

Please donate at http://www.www.leadsafeworld.com/donations, and become a member of The LEAD Group Inc. at http://www.leadsafeworld.com/shop/  

Or print the form and fax or mail your subscription or donation (see below).

Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
The purpose of the Lead Education and Abatement Fund (L.E.A.F.)  is to support the environmental objects of The LEAD Group Incorporated, that is to protect the environment from lead.

Please accept my membership application and/or donation:

$10.00 annual membership (non-corporate rate)

$132.00 annual membership (corporate rate)


Please find enclosed my cheque / money order for $________payable to:
"The LEAD Group" being for membership

Please find enclosed my cheque / money order for $________ payable to:
"LEAF" (Lead Education and Abatement Fund) being for a donation

Please charge the amount of $____________
to my |__| Visa Card |__|Master Card (tick one)
payable to "The LEAD Group" being for membership

Please charge the amount of $____________
to my |__| Visa Card |__|Master Card (tick one) payable to:
"LEAF" (Lead Education and Abatement Fund) being for a donation

Please Print & Mail form & payment to:
The LEAD Group Inc.
PO Box 161
Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia
Phone us with your credit card details on:
+61 2 9716 0014
Freecall 1800 626 086
(Australia only)

Name on Card:___________________________________________________________________

Signature ________________________________________

CARD NO. |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|   Expiry date: _____ / _____

Card verification code: |__|__|__| look on the back of the card for a 3 digit code on the signature strip. It will be either after the full customer account number or after the last 4 digits of the customer account number

Name or Company Name (for corporate   subscriptions):


Address: __________________________________________________________________


Phone:___________________  Fax/email: ________________________

The LEAD Group [ABN 25 819 463 114] Inc is endorsed as an Income Tax Exempt Charitable entity under subdivision 50-B of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997. The Lead Education and Abatement Fund (L.E.A.F) is a public fund listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations under Item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 and is endorsed as a Deductible Gift Recipient under subdivision 30-BA of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.

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Last Updated 26 November 2014 - Copyright The LEAD Group Inc. 1991- 2014
PO Box 161 Summer Hill NSW 2130 Australia. - Phone: +61 2 9716 0014