LEAD Action News

LEAD Action News Vol 2 no 3 Winter 1994.  ISSN 1324-6011
Incorporating Lead Aware Times ( ISSN 1440-4966) and Lead Advisory Service News ( ISSN 1440-0561)
The journal of The LEAD (Lead Education and Abatement Design) Group Inc.

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New US Group - United Parents Against Lead (UPAL)

Mission Statement

UPAL recognises the unique experience and commitment of parents of lead poisoned children and the critical need for their participation and leadership in the fight to end lead poisoning. We must ensure every child's basic right to health and a clean environment. We must also recognise that lead is a powerful neurotoxin which affects the developing nervous system of a large percent of children of all races and social classes, causing learning disabilities, attention deficits, behaviour disorders and pervasive lost health potential worldwide. UPAL proposes to work toward the elimination of this world wide epidemic through screening, intervention and preventive education efforts.

UPAL's goals:

  • To assist affected families and the public to obtain information, services and referrals.
  • To create an international support and resource network of parents and affiliates who will form community or state programs which can supply local educational and referral data, with the support of a centralised information centre and staff.
  • To support legislative action which promotes the prevention and elimination of lead poisoning from children and the environment. §

Poet's Corner

The following poems are by Maurci Jackson, the founder of Parents Against Lead in Chicago, and the most moving speaker at the May conferences in Washington DC. Maurci was one of the leaders in the conceptualising and setting up of United Parents Against Lead (UPAL).

Wash your hands before you eat
Wash your hands before you sleep
Wash your hands after play
Wash your hands throughout the day.

Run the water in the sink
Several minutes before you drink
Drink the water, drink a lot
But never drink the water hot. §

United Parents Against Lead (UPAL)

Members Survey

Membership is free for anyone directly affected by lead poisoning. A membership fee applies for affiliate members ie individuals and organisations interested in or supporting lead poisoning issues.





Are you lead poisoned Yes____No____

Do you have a relative who is lead poisoned Yes____No____

Describe experience, duration, blood lead level, etc._______________________________________




UPAL's three goals are:

1. Victim assistance and support_______

2. Public education and awareness______

3. Legislative initiatives_______

What importance do you place on these goals

Please rate them on a scale of 1-3 with 3 being most important.

Would you be willing to be part of our victim assistance program by being paired with another person who needs information and support____

What kinds of assistance do you feel should be offered (Tick all that apply)

____emotional counselling

____crisis intervention

____financial assistance

____long-term one-on-one pairing (friend-in-program)

____educational materials


What kinds of legislative action do you think need to be implemented

____mandatory screening

____worker certification

____mandatory abatement


What is your area of expertise in lead (Tick all that apply personally or professionally)

____abatement ____nutrition ____legal

____counselling ____writing/editing/video

____testing/inspection/risk assessment

____medical ____special needs children


list qualifications____________________________

Are you interested in starting a Parents Against Lead in your state? Yes_____ No_____

Please complete survey form and return to:

Maurci Jackson, 1436 East 52nd Street, Chicago, IL 60615 USA or fax 0011 1 312 288 3174

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